Important Mistakes to Avoid When Flying Airplanes


Pilots are taught about how the wings and engine are built and the working of the gears in the cockpit. They also learn about themselves and ways to make safe decisions while flying. Human factors are about the way the pilot’s mind and bodywork in an airplane. These factors are divided into two types such as physical medical issues and psychological issues.

The former includes aeromedical factors, the latter deals with risk management, and decision-making. Improper decision-making and health issues can lead to serious hazards while flying an airplane.

Mistakes to Avoid When Flying Airplanes

This article will look into all these issues to help readers guards against them.



A pilot has to be medically fit to fly an airplane. This is the first and the most important requirement to fly an airplane. A pilot has to evaluate their ability to safely fly a plane that needs them to be physically and mentally fit. Illness can increase fatigue or even impair the perception of a pilot. is the best place to get the most comprehensive free resource to enrich knowledge on aviation. The website offers learning resources in the form of publicly available manuals and documents.


Flying Airplanes Medication

It is also important to learn whether the pilot is undergoing any medication. This is also important as certain medications because of the different impacts at the lower pressure experienced in the airplane.


Stress can harm the thinking ability of a person. When a person is under stress, it releases the adrenaline hormone that makes one think and react quickly. This can prove to be damaging when you fly an airplane.


Flying Airplanes Alcohol

Alcohol adversely affects the operational performance and mental acuity of a person. According to the FAA, the maximum allowable alcohol content in the blood has to be only 0.04. A majority of airlines need 24 hours from the time of the last drink before you are clear to fly.


If you are feeling tired, then it could be due to missing sleep patterns or not getting quality sleep. This is not a good indication and is seen to be a hazard when flying a plane.

Emotional Health

Flying Airplanes Emotional Health

Emotional chaos can impact life, work, interpersonal relations, etc. Regardless of the reason, flying a plane in such an emotional state can prove to be risky for the pilot as well as the passengers. It is therefore advised to take a few days off to recover before you head out to fly.

Read also: Much information on the use of diclofenac

Oxygen Deprivation

The oxygen starts to diminish at high altitudes. When the oxygen intake is less, there is less availability of oxygen in the body. This will deprive the cells of the adequate amount of oxygen needed to perform the tasks. This condition is called hypoxia. At specific altitudes, airplanes should use supplemental oxygen to prevent this condition from happening.

Oxygen Deprivation


Poor vision is also a hazard when flying a plane. It can prevent your ability of a pilot to see certain spots and things present in the front. This can impair the focus and ability to see things properly. Optical illusions may prevent the pilot to see a runway. It can impact their planning approach and landing.


So, we have seen different human factors that can cause hazards while flying a plane. To effectively prevent any risk, a pilot should understand risks, evaluate how much danger it can cause, and form the right course of action.

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